Topographical Overview

Cold Storage Layout with Weapons & Equipment

Cold Storage is a large building of interlocking rooms connected by ramps, corridors and teleporters


1. Main Room

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket The biggest room with two protruding ledges, two standing pillars and a teleport.

2. Yellow Hallway

Other Names: n/a

The walkway on the floor from Main Room to Yellow Room

3. OS Hallway

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Walkway from the Main Room to OS.

4. High Ledge

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Walkable wall separating Main Room and Rocket Room.

5. Camo Teleport

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Teleport located in Main Room which takes you to Camo

6.Rocket Room

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Across from Main Room, separated by High Ledge. Contains one elevating ramp and two structural pillars holding up a ledge.

7. Rocket Ramp

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket The only ramp in Rocket Room which leads to Pink Hallway

8. Rocket Ledge

Other Names: Rockets

Photobucket The ledge being held up by two pillars, rockets found here.

9. Pink Hallway

Other Names: Window

Photobucket Walkway to Camo room from Rocket Ramp. Also called the Window due to the opening that drops to Yellow Room

10. Camo Room

Other Names: Sniper

Photobucket Small upper level room can be accessed by Camo Teleport or Pink Hall.

11. Camo Ledge

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket The protruding balcony like structure connected to Camo Room hanging into the Main Room.

12. Yellow Room

Other Names: Pink Room

Photobucket Small lower level room golden in color also houses a teleporter to Needler Hallway. Accessible through Yellow Hall, Pink Hall drop, and Rocket Hall.

13. Rocket Hall

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Lower level walkway leading to Yellow Room from Rocket Room.

14. Shotgun Room

Other Names: Shotty, Shotgun

Photobucket Lower level room located on the opposite side of Yellow. Contains a glass flood pod, remnants of another flood pod, and a receiver teleport node. Can be accessed from Shotgun Hallway, Needler Hallway and OS Hallway.

15. Needler Hallway

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket The wrapping walkway from Shotty Room to Needle Ledge.

16. Needle Ledge

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Balcony like structure directly connected to Needle Hall which hangs over the Main Room.

17. Shotty Teleport

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket The teleport located in Pink Hall which takes you to Shotty Room.

18. Needler Teleport

Other Names: n/a

Photobucket Teleport located in Yellow Room which takes you to the Needle Hall.
